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July 2023

In April of 2015 I was subleasing two small offices from another company off 280/University. One day the CFO of that company came in and said, “Didn’t you say you wanted to buy an office building some day? We just hired a few more people and we need your office space back.” As luck would have it 2862 Middle St Little Canada, MN was for sale. I thought it would be clever to incorporate my kids’ names into the building and formed Chasing Elle, LLC and then closed on the building on June 1, 2015.

Fast forward 8 years and we’re doing a light remodel with some fresh paint and new carpet going in soon. As part of that process, we had to pack up our offices and in doing so I came across some notebooks from seminars I’ve attended and wanted to share some quotes & notes.

Right now, you are living the story you will someday tell. What story do you want to tell? Go do that!

What a profound, simple idea that’s as relevant to a 20 year old as it is to a 60 year old. Go do what you want to do and someday you’ll be able to tell the story you want to tell. Later in life, you don’t want to look back and have your story filled with “I should have’s” and “could haves”.

I value ( Fill in the Blank ), so I deliver my services that way.

This was a fun one to do; write down what you value. For reference, my wife loves to shop at different stores and I’m of the belief that if Costco has it, I probably need it and if I they don’t, I probably don’t! As part of this exercise, I went back and read our client reviews on Google. Based on what you and other clients have said, “I value being responsive and efficient in the communication of the information needed in a pleasurable way so that I can deliver a solutionto our client’s problem that is competitively priced.” Which leads me to last one (this month):

The fewer decisions you need to make the happier you will be.

For example: You may have heard Steve Jobs only wore black turtlenecks and jeans 99% of the time. Employers who offer 401k plans with fewer options have higher employee participation! Some mortgage professionals I know come up with elaborate charts and graphs and present 5 options. Imagine going to a doctor and being prescribed five prescriptions and you get to pick! We often provide just one option and usually a max of two. What’s interesting to note is that our happiest clients are the ones who take our advice and for that we are thankful to you!

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